Friday, November 25, 2011

Occupy L.A. Interfaith Leaders Support Network Letter to Mayor Villaraigosa

Monday, November 28, 2011 The Hon. Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa 200 N. Spring Street, Rm 303 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Dear Mayor Villaraigosa: We, the undersigned leaders of faith communities in Greater Los Angeles, became deeply concerned upon hearing Wednesday afternoon that the city has a very short timeline for final resolution of Occupy LA matters and for eviction of the occupiers from City Hall grounds. In our judgment, this very short timeline will lead to unnecessary conflict and violence. We understand the frustration and fear of many of the occupiers, some of whom treat the camp as their home after a period of weeks together in that space. Our highest imperative is to ensure that whatever unfolds happens peacefully. To this end we ask that sufficient time be afforded so that a transition can take place in an orderly and peaceful manner. This means weeks, not days. We appeal to you to take into account the way in which participatory democracy works in the General Assembly of Occupy LA. Finally, we request a meeting between you and representative faith leaders for the purpose of facilitating a happy outcome to an occupation that continues to stand out nationally on account of the city’s hospitality and lack of intimidation to date. Yours in and for peace,

 FAITH LEADERS (For a complete list of signers, please email OccupyLAInterfaithSanctuary(at)

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